Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Road to Good Health and Beauty

The Road to Good Health and Beauty

What you sow, so shall you reap. It does not get any truer than this as far as are concerned. You must have heard the old saying, “You are what you eat.” So if you fill yourself up with oily fries and litres of carbonated drinks, you will have only yourself to blame when you land up with zits on your face and many an additional inch on your waist. Health and beauty go together. This is the reason why we are constantly being told not to pig out on fast food and to refuel ourselves with healthy food instead and burn off those calories with aerobics or a little jogging.

The road to health and beauty is the same. If you eat well, you can be quite sure that you will look good too. We are always being told that it is important to eat a balanced diet. We cannot afford to miss out on any or mineral.

If you happen to be missing out on a basic nutrient, you can be sure that this will show itself in frequent illnesses or physiological conditions. But it will also show on your face and your body. At the same time, you can repair the damage done to your face by an unhealthy diet, pollution, and harsh climatic conditions by stocking up on all the things that are considered to be healthy. Health and beauty are interlinked. Eat well and you will soon be glowing with health and everyone will be noticing the difference.

Here is a list of some of the nutrients that will make sure that you soon find your way to good health and beauty.

• Vitamin A is great if you want to repair skin damage. At the same time, if you suffer from cholesterol problems, vitamin A is the ideal solution. Eggs, milk and spinach are some food that has high content.

• Vitamin E is yet another vitamin that carries you along the road towards good health and beauty. A diet that is rich in Vitamin E will ensure that your lungs stay protected from air pollution. At the same time, it also maintains body tissues.

• Make sure you consume enoughIron is one of the most important minerals that ensure that you remain healthy. At the same time, good health reveals itself through the healthy glow that appears on your skin. If you are very fair, then your skin will take on a pinkish tinge. Perhaps, this is what led to the rise of the expression, “in the pink of health.”

Yes, health and beauty are inextricably linked to each other. Healthy people are always those who have glowing complexions and shiny hair. And it is not just about the diet that you follow. Good health is the result of a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise. The same holds true for looks. If you are looking to find the secret to great health and beauty, this is the way to go — exercise on a regular basis and eat healthy food.


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